A Guide To Google’s Knowledge Graph

A Guide To Google’s Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph
  27 Nov, 2022        Google Algorithm

Google introduced the Knowledge Graph in 2012 to help searchers discover new information quicker.

Essentially, users can search for places, people, companies, and products and find instant results that are most relevant to the query.

The Knowledge Graph is a collection of topics, also known as entities, connecting to other entities. Entities are single information objects that can be uniquely defined.

They enable Google to go beyond just keyword matching when returning a response to a particular query. This is further helping Google towards its goal of becoming an answer engine.

Google will show Knowledge Graph data within SERP features such as knowledge panels, knowledge cards, and featured snippets.

This can help brands become more visible in search results and build authority for certain topics. Structured data on websites can influence data pulled into the Knowledge Graph.

Google uses the Knowledge Graph to provide a better search experience for users as it can better understand different topics and their relationships to each other.

For example, if we want to see a film’s cast, Google can display this in a carousel format on the search results page.

However, these SERP (search engine results page) features can also lead to fewer website clicks, as Google can show much more information on the search result page.

This enables them to deliver a fast and accurate response for searchers and direct them towards other search results, with features such as “People also search for” and relevant queries related to the main search term.

For example, if we take the K-pop group BTS, within a single search, I can see a list of all of the members, their songs and albums, as well as upcoming events, awards they have won, and the different places I can listen to their music.

All in one search without having to visit a single external website.


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